So this book was amazing. I enjoyed it. I read through it in one seating. It was one that kept me on my toes. This book is full of plot twist and a romance that has you day dreaming for days.
Lenzi is the main character. She thinks she is losing her mind. She is hearing voices and having visions. She doesnt know what is going in. Her boyfriend Zak and also thinks its stange. Alden then shows up in her life and seems to have all the answers. He tells her sheis a reincarnated speaker. Meaning she is suppost to help lost souls into the afterlife. Alden is her protector the one meant to help her and make sure she is getting the job done.K the past Alden has loved her in all her forms but she has made it clear she hasnt wanted that kind of relationship. Lenzi's past lives known as Rose ghas pushed Alden away. Now Lenzi feels this connection that is more then a platonic relationship. Can Lenzi create her own destiny or will fate continue to drag her down the same path she has always veen doomed to follow?
Mary Lindsey created a world parallel to our own. It is sow realistic its like any of us could wake up and be a speaker with and Alden at our sides.
I give this book a 10 out of 10. It was everything I could have hoped for.